ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education PARESSU, Inc en-US ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education Leadership Empowerment of Elementary Teachers in Pangasinan <p>This study attempted to gain insights on the leadership empowerment of elementary teachers in Pangasinan. It also established the profile of the teachers in terms of their personal and professional attributes, the extent of leadership empowerment and their level of leadership skills, the significant relationship in the leadership empowerment across profile variables and significant difference of the level of leadership skills of teachers across their profile variables. Using the descriptive –correlational – cross – sectional design of research; data were gathered through the use of a questionnaire. Analysis and interpretation of data gathered led to answers to the specific problems posited in the study and the findings are the following: Majority of the teachers are female, belonging to age bracket of 35 -45 years old, married, with 1 -10 years of teaching experience, attended seminars from school to division level. This implies that getting into seminar is difficult because teachers are expected to be at school to teach and guide learners at all times. Attending seminars will mean that learners will be left unattended as there is no system to cover for teachers who aren’t around for official business. Likewise, it’s just hard for teachers to attend the International trainings because of financial constraints. The level of teacher’s leadership empowerment regardless of their personal and professional attributes is generally high. The level of leadership skills of the teachers along professional practice and personal value is both high while along professional engagement is very high This implies that in school organization, teachers are provided with inspiration to further enhance their capacity to develop and implement their teaching competency standards and in return interchange the same respect to other teachers in terms of professional practice, personal value and professional engagement. This is an indication that leadership and gender differences of school leaders are female who is dominant in managing schools while males are more potential in managing incorporation and politics.</p> Ma. Cecilia DG Fabia Armando D Junio Copyright (c) 2022 ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education 2022-01-10 2022-01-10 1 30