Social Sensitivity of Secondary School Principals and Teachers of Region III

  • Rose Ann Bernabe-Florensio
  • Amado C Ramos


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of social sensitivity of secondary school principals and teachers in Region III and its relationship with some selected profile variables during the school year 2019-2020. It also determined the profile of the secondary schools in terms of the following factors such as, enrolment size; number of faculty per school; faculty-student ratio; and facilities/equipment per school in relation to, number of classrooms, number of laboratory rooms, number of books in the library, and number of computer units.
This study also assessed the level of social sensitivity of the school principals and the teachers in terms of the following aspects, social welfare, customs and tradition, environmental consciousness and community development. This study had likewise determined the significant relationship among the level of social sensitivity on the perceptions of the school principals and the teachers and their profile variables; and the school related factors which resulted to a proposed an intervention plan. The findings, conclusions and recommendations are hereby advanced, Administrators who have not finished their post graduate studies should pursue in order to acquire more knowledge and be more equipped professionally in meeting and solving the difficulties to be met especially towards planning, implementing and monitoring and evaluating extension activities.; (2) More relevant school undertakings like conferences, trainings and seminars should be conducted to increase the level of social sensitivity of the administrators from high to very high; (3) The level of involvement of the teachers in planning, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating extension programs should be enhanced. Faculty members should be more involved in planning and implementing extension activities. More financial assistance and moral support from the administration should be observed to increase their participation; and (4) DepEd should standardize the number of subjects handled by teachers or decrease the number of subjects to be taught from the eight regular classes to 6 classes to give more time for other activities like engaging in flexible instructional materials.


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How to Cite
Bernabe-Florensio, R. A., & Ramos, A. C. (2020). Social Sensitivity of Secondary School Principals and Teachers of Region III. ASEAN Journal of Basic and Higher Education, 3(1). Retrieved from